Progress Update – May 2023

Was away for a bit this month, but managed to get a few bits done.

Firstly, some recent additions to the classical Greeks. Cavalry and a couple of “allied command” bases.

Then into the Trojan War again, the Messenians, led by Nestor’s sons:

Old Nestor will likely appear later as a hero/command figure. I used Sea People Peleset figures here on the basis of a theory that associates those particular people with the region of Pylos where Nestor comes from. They would later go on to settle down as the Philistines as best historians can tell. May not be true, but adds a bit of variety to the mix.

Basing to come later too.

Then a bit of a refresh job, these medieval crossbowmen have been repainted and some fresh basing:

And with that, I bid you a good knight…

…or thirty.

My crusades armies are some of my largest and the first big project I ever did, however as I’ve evolved in the hobby I’ve ended up with a mix of basing and styles. In the next updates I should hopefully have a mix of rebased, repainted and fresh units for these armies to unify them a bit more. I’ve also been working extensively on a ruleset to play this period, which I will probably share more of in the future.

Thanks for reading,


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